Narratives and Social Memory: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches


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  343 pp.


Narratives and Social Memory: Dialogic Challenges PDF (English)
Rosa Cabecinhas, Lilia Abadia 5-9

Part I - Cognitive and Emotional Processes in Collective Remembering

Narratives and Social Memory from the Perspective of Social Representations of History PDF (English)
James H. Liu 11-24
The Lay Historian: How Ordinary People Think about History PDF (English)
Olivier Klein 25-45
Emotional Processes in Elaborating a Historical Trauma in the Daily Press PDF (English)
Éva Fülöp, János László 46-60
Transitional Justice Processes, Shared Narrative Memory about Past Collective Violence and Reconciliation PDF (English)
Manuel Cárdenas, Darío Páez, Bernard Rimé 61-75
The Past and the Present (re)Visited: War Veterans’ Representations of the Portuguese Colonial War PDF (English)
Ana Figueiredo, Joaquim Pires Valentim, Laurent Licata, Bertjan Doosje 76-91

Part II - Media(ted) Narratives and Public Memory

Hard News Cognitive Shift: from Facts to Narratives PDF (English)
Luiz G. Motta 93-105
Narratives of Death: Journalism and Figurations of Social Memory PDF (English)
Bruno Souza Leal, Elton Antunes, Paulo Bernardo Vaz 106-118
Researching Identity Narratives in Cyberspace: Some Methodological Challenges PDF (English)
Lurdes Macedo, Moisés de Lemos Martins, Rosa Cabecinhas, Isabel Macedo 119-133
Journalistic Narrative: a Story of Real Life PDF (English)
Miriam Bauab Puzzo 134-144

Part III - Audiovisual Narratives and Cultural Memory

The Works of Sísifo: Memories and Identities of the Portuguese in Africa according to Fiction Films of the Twentieth Century PDF (English)
Maria Manuel Baptista 146-158
Audiovisual Post-colonial Narratives: Dealing with the Past in Dundo, Colonial Memory PDF (English)
Isabel Macedo, Rosa Cabecinhas, Lilia Abadia 159-174
Cinematic Landscape and Social Memory PDF (English)
Ana Francisca de Azevedo 175-189
The Subject-Matter of Audiovisual Historical Fiction in Portugal (1909-2010) PDF (English)
Eduardo Cintra Torres, Catarina Duff Burnay 190-201
Criminal violence in Brazilian moving images in 2010 PDF (English)
Juliana Cunha Costa 202-219

Part IV - Ethnic, National and Supranational Narratives & Identity Dynamics

Narratives of Redemption: Memory and Identity in Europe PDF (English)
Rita Ribeiro 221-231
Memory and the Flows of Identity in Hatoum’s Amazon PDF (English)
Michele Nascimento-Kettner 232-241
‘Diaspora Space’ as Heard and Observed PDF (English)
Daiva Repeckaite 242-252
Colonial Missions in the North American Southwest: Social Memory and Ethnogenesis PDF (English)
Mariah Wade 253-265

Part V - Societal Issues, Collective Action, Identity and Memory

Collective Mobilization and the Social Memory of Environmental Destruction PDF (English)
Pedro Gabriel Silva 267-282
Narratives as Prison ‘Escapes’: Power, Interaction and the co-Construction of the Female Prisoner by Incarcerated Women PDF (English)
Rita Basílio de Simões, Ana Teresa Peixinho 283-297
Drawings and Narrative: the Inmates Memory and Experience (At the Prison of Monsanto) PDF (English)
Mariana Carrolo 298-313
Comissões Unitárias de Mulheres do Porto: Recreating the Memory of a Social Movement PDF (English)
Cátia Lopes, Joana Correia, João Caramelo, Teresa Medina 314-326
Adozinda Goes to the Feminine Reading Room: a Segregated Space for Women in a Portuguese Public Library under a Fascist State PDF (English)
Paula Sequeiros, Sónia Passos 327-343


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Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho