Gender in focus: (new) trends in media


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  241 pp.
Gender and media: where do we stand today? PDF
Carla Cerqueira, Rosa Cabecinhas, Sara I. Magalhães 5-11

I. Gender and communication studies

Stasis and shifts in feminist media scholarship PDF
Carolyn M. Byerly 15-27
Gender and communication: problematizations, methodologies, intersections PDF
António Fernando Cascais 29-47
Gender, sex and sexuality in two open access communication journals published in Portugal: a critical overview of current discursive practices PDF
Zara Pinto-Coelho, Silvana Mota-Ribeiro 49-66

II. Gender representations

Giving voice to the patient in vegetative state: biopolitical intersections of discourses on human life and female body PDF
Cláudia Álvares, Adalberto Fernandes 69-83
Sex-role stereotyping and sex discrimination regulation in advertising: the belgian case PDF
Yaiza Janssens 85-101
Cher’s music videos. Gender as a performative construction PDF
Orquídea Cadilhe 103-121

III. Gender and news

Sensitive to others: emotions, care and gender in the construction of news PDF
Maria João Silveirinha 125-140
Framing gender and women politicians representation: print media coverage of spanish women ministers PDF
Núria Fernandez-Garcia 141-160
Female politics in Parliament: addressing questions about political and journalistic representation PDF
Carla Baptista, Ana Cabrera, Carla Martins, Teresa Mendes Flores 161-183

IV. Gender and media reception

A brief exploration of the effects of ICTs and social media on the gender activism in India post december 16th 2012 PDF
Adrija Dey 187-204
Women and digital reading: the gendering of digital reading practices PDF
Carla Ganito, Cátia Ferreira 205-232


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Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho