Pedestrian environment quality assessment for promotion of urban mobility in Portuguese medium-sized cities

Adriana Sousa, Bertha Santos, Jorge Gonçalves


This text is supported in an international bibliographical survey on quality indices of the pedestrian environment. It discusses the definition of a methodology for the collection and analysis of the different components of the pedestrian environment (vehicle traffic, tours, occupation of soil and aesthetic and security aspects) to determine an index that can support the definition of proposals for the improvement of the pedestrian system. The text is based on a survey provided by a pilot field data which was used for the calibration and validation of the proposed methodology, as well as for the definition of a geographical information system for georeferenced graphic presentation of the obtained evaluation.


Urban mobility; pedestrian mobility; quality index; geographic information systems

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Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho