When the Internet seems to be deaf. Sound resources to enrich online radio advertising

Emma Rodero, Olatz Larrea, Lluis Mas, Marina Vázquez, María Blanco


Radio, advertising and the Internet often forget that sound is a rich and versatile resource for achieving objectives such as to gain the consumer’s immediate response, to build reputation and a brand image, to improve attention and recall, and to provide a functional and emotional user experience. To that end, adequate work in audio design should be performed to solve this deficiency. The success of several big brands in creating a solid audio brand demonstrates its relevance and beneficial consequences. This paper aims to analyze the sound strategy of three companies: McDonalds; Intel; and Coca-Cola. We study how sound resources are creatively applied to brand advertisement management of these companies. The analyzed variables in this study are the sound composition thought the use of music, sound effects and voice, the communicative function of the sound, and the strategic relationship between the brand, the product and the sound. The results of this study indicate that a suitable sound branding strategy can reinforce the advertising effectiveness of a brand.


Audio branding; sound branding; advertisement; radio

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.:: LASICS ::.
Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho