Perception relativity simulacrum – how light becomes perception

Pedro M. Azevedo Rocha


Perception development involves a continuous burst of bioelectrical impulses, in where none of us realizes the time a photon takes to reach the viewer’s consciousness state of such speck of light. By then our brain’s mechanisms have been working such translation process for a long time – “measured in the time frame of a molecule”, as Damasio put it. By the end of it in a sum of infinite actions related with our social environment we become all local and temporally synchronized to the same referential clock. This article will give a description of the physics that might deal with such transformation. It will be assumed the awareness of something can densify gradually to a pseudoperception of the true object simulacrum. For the lack of an image that would satisfy a figurative graphic of the perceptual degree of awareness, and for clarification of a thought mimetic action-structure, assuming classical physics notions, a visual representation of consciousness’ spatial relationship is presented. This article will also present some research findings (Kant, Locke, Merikle, Dijksterhuis, Lagercrantz, Overgraard, Sergent) to support a relativistic theory of mind-body-object relationship and how communication may be perceptually constructed with, first of all, ourselves.


Perception; simulacrum; mind; dimensional relation; relativity

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Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho