The use of transmedia storytelling in the radio universe

Johan Cavalcanti van Haandel, Fernando Ramos


The streaming technology was first used in radio soon after its creation in mid-1995. Since its adoption, the radio has a new space, the Internet, and thus began to explore new narratives, with use of different matrices of language, such as visual-verbal, which materialize itself in a graphical interface. In addition to the emergence of a web radio, radio productions began to work with social networking sites on the Internet, in which interacts with users. In this scenario emerges a new narrative for radio, the transmedia storytelling. This article seeks to identify how this narrative takes place in the radio universe and map and classify the elements that make this kind of narrative occurs. The aim is to understand how this narrative is used to propose its best use by broadcasters.


Web radio; transmedia storytelling; social network sites; radio production

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.:: LASICS ::.
Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho