Censorship or democratization? The media regulation in Brazil

Bruno H. B. Rebouças, Elaine Nogueira Dias


This article aims to reflect on the project model of media regulation, mostly what is under discussion in Brazil, and especially how it is affected by the distribution of broadcasting concessions. The media regulation project proposes, among other topics, the economic regulation that attempts to control the formation of monopolies and oligopolies of communication groups in the country. The link between electronic media and political and economic groups mischaracterizes the pluralism of media and information that are the pillars of democratic societies. In this paper, we will discuss the concept of cross-ownership, which has no limitations in Brazil, and how a possible economic regulation will not constitute a type of programming or content censorship, but inspired by examples of regulation of other countries, would seek to fulfill its basic role as social interlocutor, with greater democratization of content and a greater plurality of information.


Media regulation; broadcasting concessions; radio and TV; Brazil

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.:: LASICS ::.
Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho