The PR pyramid as model for managing organizational social media presence?

Patrícia Dias, José Gabriel Andrade


This paper explores social media as a new tool for Public Relations and also the implications of having a social media presence for organizations, confronting a literature review with empirical findings on emergent practices in organizations and exploring more particularly an example of best practices. Departing from the agreement shared by Public Relations academics and professionals on a profound shift in Public Relations as a consequence social media use, this paper intends to clarify 1) whether social media are tools that redefine PR practices or a contextual factor that redefines the role of Public Relations within organizational communication; and 2) which are the implications for organizations of deciding to manage a social media presence based on an exploratory and trial-and-error logic, vis-à-vis the implementation of concrete strategies.
The paper presents an exploratory study that identifies a relevant case
study: TAP Portugal, the Portuguese airline company. This organization is present on different social media and found its own strategy for successfully managing such presence. Based on this example, we propose a model for managing organizational social media presence – the PR Pyramid – that articulates a combined structure involving Public Relations, Marketing and Customer Care. In times if crises, the Public Relations assume a pivotal role as the orchestrator of integrated communication.


public relations; social media; organizational communication; integrated communication; crisis communication

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Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho