Online relationship management and digital participation in the political sphere: a communicative myth?

Gisela Gonçalves, J. Paulo Serra


Grounded in relationship management and political public relations theory,
this study takes a critical look at politician-citizen online relationship
building in non-electoral periods. Using the example of Portuguese political
parties as a case study, participatory tools available on parties’ websites, the
interactive exchange observed and interviews with political communication
managers are analysed to reflect on the Internet’s potential for heightening
citizen participation. Main results indicate that providing information is a
predominant function over promoting interaction and that political parties
offer online spaces for citizens to discuss and debate online but hardly join
the conversation.


participation, digital sphere, political communication, public relations theory

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.:: LASICS ::.
Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho