Políticas Editoriais


The "Ibero-American Journal of Physical Geography and the Environment" is a journal that  publishing two annual editions. Is a  privileged  international forum for the dissemination of research results carried out within the different areas of Physical Geography and Environmental Studies.Preference is given to the work carried out in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America or Latin American authors, accepting texts in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. All articles will undergo double-blind review within the following sections:

  1. Concepts and Methods in Physical Geography
  2. Biogeography and landscape
  3. Climatology and atmospheric dynamics
  4. Geomorphology and surface dynamics
  5. Geoconservation and natural heritage
  6. Environmental changes and risks
  7. Water resources and  watershed management


Políticas de Secção

Concepts and Methods in Physical Geography

Seleccionado Submissões Abertas Seleccionado Indexado Seleccionado Revisto pelos Pares

Biogeography and landscape

Seleccionado Submissões Abertas Seleccionado Indexado Seleccionado Revisto pelos Pares

Geomorphology and surface dynamics

Seleccionado Submissões Abertas Seleccionado Indexado Seleccionado Revisto pelos Pares

Geoconservation and natural heritage

Seleccionado Submissões Abertas Seleccionado Indexado Seleccionado Revisto pelos Pares

Geomorphology and surface dynamics

Seleccionado Submissões Abertas Seleccionado Indexado Seleccionado Revisto pelos Pares

Climatology and atmospheric dynamics

Seleccionado Submissões Abertas Seleccionado Indexado Seleccionado Revisto pelos Pares

Water resources and watershed management

Seleccionado Submissões Abertas Seleccionado Indexado Seleccionado Revisto pelos Pares

Notes and Reviews

This section is intended to publish short notes and reviews about events and publications that have occurred within the Ibero-American community of Physical Geography

Seleccionado Submissões Abertas Não Seleccionado Indexado Não Seleccionado Revisto pelos Pares



Política de Acesso Livre

Esta revista oferece acesso livre imediato ao seu conteúdo, seguindo o princípio de que disponibilizar gratuitamente o conhecimento científico ao público proporciona maior democratização mundial do conhecimento.