Salvador, Capital City, City Heritage

Maria Estela Lage Santos, Heloísa Helena Fernandes Gonçalves da Costa


This article is the result of a scientific research carried out at GREMM - Study Group in Museology, Museums and Monuments/UFBA - about the city of Salvador, which was the first capital of Brazil and Lusitanian heart in the Americas. Since 1985, its old centre has been considered World Heritage by UNESCO. As a consequence of these characteristics, GREMM created the blog Salvador City Capital-Heritage City and the fanpage Salvador city heritage, both communication mechanisms that have led many people, including locals and tourists, to exchange experiences of local and historical/heritage tours with the group.
As a result, this article calls attention to the relevance of scientific research to study the areas of heritage cities and the importance of spreading the results to leave a good impression on tourists, residents and others interested in cultural tourism. It is expected that these actions can stimulate the creation of social actions responsibility aiming the preservation and awareness of cultural heritage of the Heritage Cities.


Salvador; History; Heritage City; Monuments; Tourism

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