The II International Conference on Culture and Society will be held online

The II International Conference on Culture and Society – What literacy (s) for Economic and Social Justice? will be held on May 27 and 28, 2021, through the Zoom platform.

Researchers on the Cultures Past & Present Martins Mapera, FCSH / Universidade Zambeze and Moisés de Lemos Martins, CECS / Universidade do Minho, are the keynote speakers of the first day.

The Conference is a joint realization of CHAM – Humanities Center / NOVA FCSH-UAc; CIJES – Center for Legal, Economic and Social Research/Zambezi University, Mozambique; Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CEM) Eduardo Augusto Kambwa of the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of Luanda (ISCED-Luanda); Lev’Arte Literary and Artistic Movement, ISCTAC, Alberto Chipande Higher Institute of Sciences and Technologies, Mozambique, Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS/UM) and Cultures Past &Present Project.