VI International Congress on Cultures publishes complete program

The list of panels and papers approved for presentation at the VI International Congress on Cultures is now available. This year’s edition will be held online on November 18-20, 2020.

The Cultures Past & Present project will be present in panel 4 “Memory, art, museology and cultural expressions”, to be held on November 20, at 12:00 (GMT). This panel seeks to stimulate the debate on the role of cultural, artistic and educational products in the (re) construction of individuals’ social memory. It is intended to question images, narratives and sounds disseminated by these products, as well as processes of dissemination and mediation of these productions and their impact on the reformulation of the world, and of the artistic and cultural expressions themselves. Researchers Moisés de Lemos Martins, Rosa Cabecinhas, Isabel Macedo and Alice Balbé (Cultures Past&Present project), Madalena Oliveira and Cláudia Martinho (Audire project), Rita Ribeiro and Carmo Lorena (Festivity project), both from the Communication and Society Research Center (CECS), from the University of Minho, will be on the panel table.

In addition to panel 4, researcher Moisés de Lemos Martins, Full Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences will participate, along with Miriam Tavares (CIAC / University of Algarve) and Messias Bandeira (IHAC / UFBA), in panel 3 “The three Cultures and digital technologies: a new healthy coexistence? ”.

In the Working Groups, researchers Martins Mapera, Armindo Armando and Pedrito Cambrao (both from the Zambezi University), discuss National Unity in Cultural Diversity: what challenges for Mozambique? In addition to this communication, researcher Martins Mapera will also present the research MWARUSI: a utopia for the empowerment of women, together with Rosa Gimo, Júlio Macário and Nelson Moda. Both in GT2 – Cultural Diversity, Rights, Gender and Sexuality.

In Working Group 4 – Culture, Science, Health, Ways of Life and Consumption, which brings the impacts of the pandemic by Covid-19 on the production of knowledge, the researcher from CECS and the project Vítor Sousa, presents with Pedro Rodrigues Costa (CECS / UM), Edson Capoano (CECS / UM) and Carlos Pimenta (UPorto) the research: Not even death unites us. The future of humanity in post-Covid-19.

The International Congress on Cultures is an annual initiative of the Network of Universities dedicated to the study of Cultures that includes universities in Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique, namely: Universidade do Minho, Universidade da Beira Interior, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo Bahia and Zambezi University.