Virtual Lusophony Museum in Google Arts & Culture platform

The Virtual Museum of Lusophony is a platform for academic cooperation, in science, teaching, and arts, in the space of Portuguese-speaking countries and their diasporas, created by the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS), from the University of Minho, made up of an international and interdisciplinary team, it can now also be visited on the Google Arts & Culture platform.

According to the director of CECS and the Museum, Moisés de Lemos Martins, the MVL “associates cultural and artistic institutions, companies linked to the editorial activity, as well as the production of audiovisual content, with the support of central bodies in the speaking countries. Portuguese ”. The Museum aims at “academic, pedagogical and scientific cooperation with Portuguese-speaking peoples, as well as making Portuguese a great language of science”, highlights the professor.

The Virtual Museum of Lusophony’s mission is to promote knowledge on the part of Lusophone countries of its numerous forms of artistic and cultural expression, which must be brought together, preserved, and disseminated, both within the Lusophone context and internationally. The Cultures Past & Present project is also a contributor to the initiative.

The entry of the Virtual Museum of Lusophony gallery on the Google Arts & Culture platform has 45 virtual multimedia exhibitions, 256 works of art, 112 photographs, 98 radio programs, 19 films, and two documentaries about Portuguese-speaking countries.