Published issue of Vista magazine nº6 co-edited by project members

The new issue of VISTA Journal is the dossier entitled (In) Visibilities: image and racism, co-edited by Ana Cristina Pereira, Michelle Sales, and Rosa Cabecinhas. VISTA Journal, number 6 – intends to reflect on the relationship between image and racism over time.
In the introduction, the authors justify the theme of the edition: “The images reflect or defy” old “abyssal cleavages, forged during European colonialism and are, at the same time, an expression of the oppression and resistance that has been made to it. Above all, in what refers to invisibility. The proposed reflections reveal the implication, denounce naturalized offenses, question silences, and, finally, propose new visualities for black bodies, not necessarily in that order. More than giving visibility, we try to show how invisible a substantial part of the visible remains – making invisibility itself visible, in the impossibility of recovering what has been systematically and long erased. “

Ana Cristina Pereira and Rosa Cabecinhas are researchers of the project Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?”. The VISTA Journal – Revista de Cultura Visual is a publication of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences (SOPCOM).

Cover of Vista Journal nº6 . Image of the artist Aline Motta