Researchers presented papers at V Congress of Cultures

The 5th International Congress of Cultures: What Culture (s) for the 21st Century? It was held on November 6-8, 2019 at the University of Beira Interior, in Covilhã.  Several members of the Cultures Past & Present project research team – Memories, cultures, and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal? – participated in the activities like guest speakers, table coordinators and communications by proposal submission.

Professor Moisés de Lemos Martins was responsible for the communication The narratives and digital culture in the plenary session “Culture in the digital age”. The Professor Martins Mapera integrated the plenary session “Culture, creativity and tradition” with the communication untitled The Healer and the New Testament in Paulina Chiziane’s work.

The session “Arts, cultures, and education in Mozambique” was composed by researchers Alda Costa, Eliseu Mabasso, Celestino Joanguete, Edson Mugabe with the mediation of Professor Moisés de Lemos Martins. The researchers Rosa Cabecinhas, Ana Cristina Pereira, Lurdes Macedo, Alice Balbé, Luis Camanho, Isabel Macedo, Tiago Vieira, and Vítor de Sousa presented papers on thematic panels, distributed during the Congress.

The 5th International Congress of Cultures is a scientific partnership between the University of Beira Interior, the University of Minho, the Federal University of Bahia and the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia and was partnered by the Cultures Past & Present project – Memories, cultures and identities: the past and present of intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal.

On November 5, the International Seminar on Memory, Diversity, and Identities: Challenges to Intercultural Relations in the 21st Century was organized by the project, which was part of the Congress program as a pre-congress.