International Congress online: Mediation in times of crisis: for dialogue, diversity and development

On the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, May 21, next Thursday, the Cultures Past & Present project is a partner in the holding of the IV Mediation in Dialogue Colloquium in an online meeting. The theme of this edition is Mediation in times of crisis: for dialogue, diversity, and development, and will be held from the Zoom platform, at 2:30 pm (Lisbon time).

Among the guests, in addition to professors and researchers from the Institute of Education and the Center for Communication and Society Studies at the University of Minho, and from EMMI in Braga and Universidade Lusófona do Porto, in Portugal, are speakers from France (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Économique, LISE Cnam-CNRS, and the AFPAD Association), Spain (Sevilla Acoge and Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Italy (Centro Mediazione di Torino).

May 21, 2020, at 2:30 pm (Lisbon). Free participation. Please register until May 20 at here. Zoom room: The link will be sent on the 20th after registration. More information here.