Moisés de Lemos Martins receives Gold Insignia from the University of Santiago de Compostela

The University of Santiago de Compostela awards the Gold Insignia to the researcher Moisés de Lemos Martins, full professor at the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Minho, director of the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS) and coordinator of the research project Cultures Past & Present.

The distinction awarded by the Galician university is in recognition of the work carried out by the ICS professor on behalf of strengthening academic and cultural relationships in the Portuguese-speaking world. This recognition is granted to “personalities who stand out for their services to the institution, both because of their longevity and because of their special relevance”. Together with the director of CECS, also Margarida Krohling Kunsch, a professor at the University of São Paulo (Brazil), will receive the Gold Insignia of this university in Galicia.

Moisés de Lemos Martins is director of CECS and the scientific journals of this research unit (Comunicação e Sociedade, Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais and Vista). He is also director of the Lusofonia Virtual Museum, a structure that is on Google Arts & Culture and which became a cultural unit of the University of Minho, in early 2021. He was director of the Department of Communication Sciences and president of the Instituto de Social Sciences. Martins was also president of Sopcom (Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences), Lusocom (Lusophone Federation of Communication Sciences) and Confibercom (Ibero-American Confederation of Scientific and Academic Communication Associations), and is currently general secretary of Assibercom (Association Ibero-American Communication).

Professor Moisés de Lemos Martins

Among his work are the publications: Pensar Portugal – A Modernidade de um País Antigo (2021), Crise no Castelo da Cultura (2011), L’imaginaire des médias (co-author with Michel Maffesoli, 2011), Portugal Ilustrado em Postais (co-author with Madalena Oliveira, 2011), Caminhos nas Ciências Sociais (2010), Comunicação e Lusofonia (co-author with Helena Sousa and Rosa Cabecinhas, 2006), A Linguagem, a Verdade e o Poder (2002), and, O Olho de Deus no Discurso Salazarista (1990).

The ceremony was held in October, Salón de Graos do Colexio de San Xerome, of USC, in Santiago de Compostela, and was also attended by the Rector of the University of Minho, Rui Vieira de Castro, among other researchers and authorities.

Alda Costa distinguished as “personality in the area of Museology” by APOM

Alda Maria Costa, researcher at the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS), was distinguished by the Portuguese Association of Museology (APOM) as a “personality in the field of Museology”. The “APOM 2020 Awards” delivery ceremony took place on December 12, 2020.

The Mozambican museologist is a professor of Art History at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo. Alda Costa is a member of the Cultures Past Present Project and the Virtual Museum of Lusophony, as well as a member of CECS of the University of Minho.

In 2018, he co-edited, with Moisés de Lemos Martins and Isabel Macedo, volume 34 (2) of the journal Comunicação e Sociedade, on “The Lusophone Studies and Communication Sciences”.
In 2020, he co-edited with Moisés de Lemos Martins and João Sarmento, volume 7 (2) of the Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais/Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, “Museums, collections and exhibitions, colonial, anti-colonial and post-colonial“.