Presentation of the Virtual Museum of Lusophony on the Google, Arts & Culture platform

The presentation ceremony of the Virtual Museum of Lusophony on the Google, Arts & Culture platform will take place on September 4, at 9 pm, at the Nogueira da Silva Museum, in the center of Braga. The ceremony will be broadcast on digital platforms.

The event was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, the Dean of the University of Minho, Rui Vieira de Castro, the representative of Google Arts & Culture, Helena Martins, and the Director of the Virtual Museum of Lusophony, Moisés de Lemos Martins.

The Virtual Museum of Lusophony is one of the cultural platforms of the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS) and seeks to promote academic cooperation, in science, teaching and the arts, in the space of Portuguese-speaking countries and their diasporas. As a virtual platform, this project also aims to be a mechanism that invites the active participation of citizens in making records available, in commenting on the ‘works’ preserved in the museum, in the (re) construction of collective memory.

Google Arts & Culture is a nonprofit initiative that works with cultural institutions and artists around the world. The mission of this platform is to preserve and put the art and culture of the world online, so that it is accessible to anyone, anywhere.

The presentation ceremony will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Virtual Museum of Lusophony, as well as on the Facebook of this museum and the CECS.

Call for papers to II International Conference on Culture and Society Which kind of Literacy (s) for an Economic and Social Justice?

Open call for submission of papers to the II International Conference on Culture and Society Which kind of Literacy (s) for an Economic and Social Justice? until December 15, 2020. The conference will be held at Zambeze University – Mozambique, on 27th and 28th of May, 2021, in partnership with the Cultures Past & Present project and the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS) at the University of Minho.

This scientific event sets up a space for dialogue and for the construction of international networks, addressing contemporary themes that are transversal to various areas of knowledge. From linguistic to legal-economic and socio-cultural policies in the Portuguese-speaking countries to the critical problematization of the concept of Lusophony, from the press, intellectual history, books and culture, publishing, the arts to the impact of female writing on the understanding of the thought expressed in the Portuguese language. The conference also aims to pay tribute to Heliodoro Baptista (poet) and Romualdo Johnam (musician).

The conference is organized in the following thematic groups: Literature, Language, Cultures and Communication; Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, and Intercultural Communication; Justice, Human Rights, Democracy and Citizenship; and, Culture, Economy and Human Development. Details of the submission can be checked here.

This conference was scheduled for 17th and 18th of September, 2020, due to restrictions related to COVID-19, the Organizing Committee decided to postpone it to the 27th and 28th of May, 2021.

International Congress online: Mediation in times of crisis: for dialogue, diversity and development

On the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, May 21, next Thursday, the Cultures Past & Present project is a partner in the holding of the IV Mediation in Dialogue Colloquium in an online meeting. The theme of this edition is Mediation in times of crisis: for dialogue, diversity, and development, and will be held from the Zoom platform, at 2:30 pm (Lisbon time).

Among the guests, in addition to professors and researchers from the Institute of Education and the Center for Communication and Society Studies at the University of Minho, and from EMMI in Braga and Universidade Lusófona do Porto, in Portugal, are speakers from France (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Économique, LISE Cnam-CNRS, and the AFPAD Association), Spain (Sevilla Acoge and Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and Italy (Centro Mediazione di Torino).

May 21, 2020, at 2:30 pm (Lisbon). Free participation. Please register until May 20 at here. Zoom room: The link will be sent on the 20th after registration. More information here.

Seminar postponed

In the current circumstances of suspension of activities at the University of Minho and closure of the ICS building, due to the new coronavirus COVID-19, we inform the postponement of the Interdisciplinary Seminar Interculturalities and historical awareness: current challenges for citizenship.
The new date will be defined later.

The Project organizes an interdisciplinary seminar to discuss interculturality and historical awareness

The Interdisciplinary Seminar Interculturalities and historical awareness: current challenges for citizenship will be held on March 20, 2020, and brings together several researchers to share experiences around studies on historical awareness, social representations, narrative, identity, cultural memory and practices and experiences in the system educational, thinking about the current intercultural, transnational and global dimensions. The Seminar will be held in the Sala de Atos (at ICS), at the University of Minho, from 2 pm to 5 pm.

This activity is organized by the Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?, by the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS) and the Laboratory of Landscapes, Heritage and Territory (LAB2PT).

Entry is free subject to registration by:

The seminar will include the participation of Alberto Sá, Francisco Mendes, Isabel Macedo, Jacob Cupata, Marília Gago, Moisés de Lemos Martins and Rosa Cabecinhas and Sheila Khan and Alice Balbé as moderators.

Alberto Sá: Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences, where he is deputy director and teaches in the areas of audiovisual, multimedia, communication design and digital publishing. Graduated in History and Social Sciences (Teaching) and with a Master’s Degree in Medieval Urban History, he is a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from the University of Minho. He is a researcher at CECS where he has developed research work on memory studies, in particular the technological mediation of memory in the digital age. He is a member of the research team of the AUDIRE project (Audio Repository: saving sound memories) and is part of the Moda (Monitoring Online Discourse Activity) project. He was co-leader of Working Group 2 of the e-COST Action project IS1205 (“Social psychological dynamics of historical representations in the enlarged European Union”). He is the coordinator of a scientific-cultural event CURTAS CC (Exhibition of Audiovisual and Multimedia works by undergraduate and master students of Communication Sciences – University of Minho). Currently, he participates in a collective study on colonialism and the liberation struggles present in the history manuals of Mozambique, from a diachronic perspective.

Alice Balbé: Researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre and the project “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?”. Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from the University of Minho, her research interests include representations, Portuguese speaking, environmental communication, and digital social networks.

Francisco Mendes: Professor of Theory of History in the Department of History of the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Minho. Researcher at the Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory (Lab2PT). Currently, it is part of an international curriculum reform project for Basic Education in Guinea-Bissau (RECEB), in a partnership between the National Institute for the Development of Education in Guinea-Bissau (INDE) and the University of Minho.

Isabel Macedo holds a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from the University of Minho and University of Aveiro, in the area of ​​Communication and Culture. Her doctoral thesis is entitled “Migrations, cultural memory and identity representations: film literacy in promoting intercultural dialogue”. She is a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre and integrates several national and international associations in the area of ​​communication, education and visual culture. She co-edited the Comunicação e Sociedade, journal 34, dedicated to the theme “Communication Sciences and Lusophone Studies” and Vista – Visual Culture Journal, 2, entitled “Cultural Memory, Image, Archive”. Some of his main works are: “Representations of Dictatorship in Portuguese Cinema” (2017), in co-authorship; “Interwoven migration narratives: identity and social representations in the Lusophone world” (2016), in co-authorship, and “Young people and Portuguese cinema: a (de) colonization of the imaginary? ” (2016).

Jacob Lussento Cupata: Degree in Educational Sciences in the option of Teaching History at the Agostinho Neto University, Master in Intercultural Relations at the Open University of Lisbon, assistant professor at the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of Cuanza Sul (ISCED / CS) at the Katyavala University Bwila (UKB), teaching the subjects of African History, Pedagogical Practices and Cultural Anthropology. He is developing the doctoral research project in Cultural Studies, under the theme “Social representations of the History of Africa in the Angolan educational system”.

Marília Gago: Professor of Methodology in the teaching of History and Professional Internship in the Master of History Teaching at the Department of Integrated Studies in Literacy, Didactics and Supervision at the Institute of Education of the University of Minho. Researcher at the Transdisciplinary Research Center “Culture, Space and Memory (CITCEM-Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. Currently, she is part of an international project for the curricular reform of Basic Education in Guinea-Bissau (RECEB), in a partnership between the National Institute for the Development of Education of Guinea-Bissau (INDE) and the University of Minho. Ph.D. in Education, Teaching Methodology of History and Social Sciences and Master’s and post-doctorate under the Historical Consciousness Research Project: theory and practices II, financed by FCT.

Moisés de Lemos Martins: Full Professor at the University of Minho, he is the Director of the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) at the University of Minho, which he founded in 2001. He holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences at the University of Human Sciences in Strasbourg, in 1984. Teaches and investigates social semiotics, sociology of communication and culture, intercultural communication, Portuguese-speaking studies. He is the Director of the magazine Comunicação e Sociedade and also of the Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais. In associative terms, he was President of Sopcom, Confibercom, and Lusocom. Among his works are Crisis in the Castle of Culture (2011); L’imaginaire des mediums (with Michel Maffesoli, 2011), Portugal Illustrated in Postcards (with Madalena Oliveira, 2011); Paths in Social Sciences (2010); Communication and Lusophony (with Helena Sousa and Rosa Cabecinhas, 2006); Language, Truth and Power (2002); The Eye of God in Salazar’s Discourse (1990).

Rosa Cabecinhas: Director of the Doctoral Program in Cultural Studies at the University of Minho. She is a professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at the Institute of Social Sciences and researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre. She has developed research of an interdisciplinary nature and integrates several national and international associations in the areas of communication, psychology, education and cultural studies. Her main research interests combine the areas of intercultural communication, social memory, social representations, social identities, social discrimination, and diversity. Among her works, the following books stand out: Preto e Branco: The naturalization of racial discrimination (2017, 2nd edition) and, in co-authorship Intercultural Communication: Perspectives, Dilemmas, and Challenges (2017, 2nd edition).

Sheila Khan: Sociologist, a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho. Ph.D. in Ethnic and Cultural Studies from the University of Warwick, in her academic career she has focused her attention on post-colonial studies, with a special focus on relations between Mozambique and Portugal, including the issue of Mozambican immigrants in Portugal. Among the themes, she has worked on are contemporary Mozambican and Portuguese history and literature, narratives of life and identity from the global South, authorities of memory and post-memory. It is worth mentioning her recent books, Portugal in Colored Pencil: South of a post-coloniality (Almedina, 2015); Visits to João Paulo Borges Coelho: readings, dialogues and futures (et al., 2017, Colibri); Mozambique on the Move: Challenges and Reflections (with Paula Meneses and Bjorn Bertelsen, Brill, 2018). Currently, Ph.D. researcher of the project funded by the European Research Council, EXCHANGE and member of the research team of the FCT / Aga Khan project on intercultural relations between Mozambique and Portugal.

Researchers from the project organize the panel “An African contemporary art, a global art?” with an open call for papers

The call for papers is open for the panel “Contemporary African Art, a Global Art?” proposed by researchers José Carlos Venâncio and Filimone Meigos, team members of the project Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal? The panel is part of the program of the 11th Iberian Congress of African Studies, which will be held on July 2-4 at the University of Lisbon.

The panel proposes to bring together “researchers, critics, curators, journalists and other actors concerned with the reception and appreciation of African art with their makers, based in Africa or the Diaspora, to reflect together on the State of Arts of contemporary art. Africa in the context of globalization.”

Submission of communication proposals to this panel must be made on the congress website until 24 February 2020.

Debate around documentary Mozambique. Lucid Dreams

Next Saturday, November 23, there will be a debate around documentary Mozambique. Lucid Dreams of directors João Campos and Fernando Almeida. The session will begin with the screening of the documentary followed by the debate, with the mediation of the researchers Sheila Khan and Rosa Cabecinhas, both are part of the project’s research team. The activity will take place at the Nogueira da Silva Museum, in Braga, at 4 pm.

The achievement is a partnership of the Cultures Past & Present project, Ph.D. in Cultural Studies, Master of Sociology, Permanent Seminars of Communication and Diversity and the Post-Cultural Studies Group.

João Campos was born in Braga in 1951, having lived and studied in this city, in Mozambique, in Coimbra and in Porto. He graduated in Civil Engineering having taught in preparatory, secondary and university education. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of Cine-Clube de Braga and has been dedicated to photography since 1973. He has participated in several solo and group photographic exhibitions. Makes documentaries in video format.

Fernando Almeida was born in Braga in 1950, having lived and studied in this city, in Coimbra and Porto. He graduated in Electrical Engineering having been a teacher of preparatory education. He has been vice president of the Cine-Clube de Braga and has been a photographer since 1973. He has participated in several solo and group photographic exhibitions. He has published photographs in various magazines and books. Makes documentaries in video format.

Rosa Cabecinhas is the director of the Doctoral Program in Cultural Studies at the University of Minho and co-Pi of Cultures Past & Present project. She is a professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at the Institute of Social Sciences and a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre. Her doctoral dissertation, entitled “Racism and Ethnicity in Portugal: A Psychosociological Analysis of the Homogenization of Minorities”, was awarded by the High Commissioner for Immigration and Ethnic Minorities. Her main research interests combine the areas of intercultural communication, social memory, social representations, social identities, and social discrimination. His works include the following books: “Black and White: The Naturalization of Racial Discrimination” (2017, 2nd Edition) and, in co-authorship, “Intercultural Communication: Perspectives, Dilemmas, and Challenges” (2017, 2nd Edition). edition).

Sheila Khan is a sociologist, currently a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho. Ph.D. in Ethnic and Cultural Studies from the University of Warwick, in her academic career, she has focused her attention on postcolonial studies, with special focus on relations between Mozambique and Portugal, including the issue of Mozambican immigrants in Portugal. The themes she has worked on include contemporary Mozambican and Portuguese history and literature, life and identity narratives from the global South, memory and post-memory authorities. Noteworthy are his recent books, “Portugal with Colored Pencils: A South of a Postcoloniality” (Almedina, 2015); “Visits to João Paulo Borges Coelho: readings, dialogues and futures” (et al., 2017, Colibri); Mozambique on the Move: Challenges and Reflections (with Paula Meneses and Bjorn Bertelsen, Brill, 2018). She is currently a Ph.D. researcher of the project funded by the European Research Council, EXCHANGE and member of the FCT / Aga Khan project research team on intercultural relations between Mozambique and Portugal.

Researchers presented papers at V Congress of Cultures

The 5th International Congress of Cultures: What Culture (s) for the 21st Century? It was held on November 6-8, 2019 at the University of Beira Interior, in Covilhã.  Several members of the Cultures Past & Present project research team – Memories, cultures, and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal? – participated in the activities like guest speakers, table coordinators and communications by proposal submission.

Professor Moisés de Lemos Martins was responsible for the communication The narratives and digital culture in the plenary session “Culture in the digital age”. The Professor Martins Mapera integrated the plenary session “Culture, creativity and tradition” with the communication untitled The Healer and the New Testament in Paulina Chiziane’s work.

The session “Arts, cultures, and education in Mozambique” was composed by researchers Alda Costa, Eliseu Mabasso, Celestino Joanguete, Edson Mugabe with the mediation of Professor Moisés de Lemos Martins. The researchers Rosa Cabecinhas, Ana Cristina Pereira, Lurdes Macedo, Alice Balbé, Luis Camanho, Isabel Macedo, Tiago Vieira, and Vítor de Sousa presented papers on thematic panels, distributed during the Congress.

The 5th International Congress of Cultures is a scientific partnership between the University of Beira Interior, the University of Minho, the Federal University of Bahia and the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia and was partnered by the Cultures Past & Present project – Memories, cultures and identities: the past and present of intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal.

On November 5, the International Seminar on Memory, Diversity, and Identities: Challenges to Intercultural Relations in the 21st Century was organized by the project, which was part of the Congress program as a pre-congress.

International Seminar Memory, diversity and identities brought together an international team

The International Seminar Memory, Diversity and Identities: Challenges for Intercultural Relations in the 21st Century was held on November 5th, 2019, at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), in the city of Covilhã. The auditorium of the UBI Central Library was the venue for conferences, thematic sessions and discussions promoted within the scope of the project Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?, which is funded by FCT / Aga Khan Development.

Members of the project work team presented investigations carried out over the past year and in progress and were attended by researchers, teachers, and students from the University of Beira Interior and other institutions from Mozambique and Brazil.

The opening conference was given by Professor Moisés de Lemos Martins, from CECS of the University of Minho, with the mediation of Professor Alda Costa, Assistant Professor and Director of Culture at the Eduardo Mondlane University of Mozambique.

The sessions with presentation of the research began with the theme Memory and museum exhibitions with communications: Entre memória e celebração: o estranho caso dos museus (in)desejados, Luís Cunha (CRIA, Universidade do Minho);O Museu Nacional de Etnologia (Portugal) e as representações de Moçambique, João Sarmento (CECS, Universidade do Minho); Arte africana, tradição e contemporaneidade. Sequências, ruturas e (algumas) problematizações, José Carlos Venâncio (Universidade da Beira Interior); e Curadoria, narrativização e memorialização em coleções e exposições museológicas: algumas considerações para início de investigação, Lurdes Macedo (CECS, Universidade do Minho)

The artist and researcher Catarina Simão opened the afternoon activities with the conference The National Museum of Ethnology of Nampula in the wake of her history: notes on the life of her images.

Following, the session on Portuguese and Mozambican Cinemas brought to the table communications: Do cinema ambulante em Portugal ao Kuxa Kanema em Moçambique: um olhar diacrónico sobre a história do cinema, Isabel Macedo e Eliseu Mabasso (CECS, Universidade do Minho; Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) e Cineastas emergentes em Portugal e Moçambique,Ana Cristina Pereira (CECS, Universidade do Minho). A apresentação de âmbito metodológico: Uma base de dados para a leitura e discussão de universos fílmicos, a partir de uma seleção das cinematografias moçambicana e portuguesa,Alice Balbé, Luís Camanho e Isabel Macedo (CECS, Universidade do Minho); e de análise fílmica: As sombras do passado colonial e as políticas de memória em Moçambique: reflexão a partir dos filmes O tempo dos leopardos e Uma memória em três actos,Edson Mugabe (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane).

The last thematic panel addressed the challenges of research, representations, and culture with communications: Complexidade da Política de Financiamento de Pesquisas Científicas em Moçambique, Celestino Joanguete (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane); O Curandeiro e o novo testamento na obra de Paulina Chiziane,Martins Mapera (Universidade de Zambeze); O passado colonial como problema não encerrado na contemporaneidade. A descolonização mental como possibilidade intercultural. O caso do Museu Virtual da Lusofonia, Vítor de Sousa (CECS, Universidade do Minho); e A relevância das fontes históricas e autorais na mediação da memória. Um estudo exploratório com manuais escolares de história portugueses e moçambicanos, Luís Camanho e Alice Balbé (CECS, Universidade do Minho).

The closing conference was held by an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho Rosa Cabecinhas who is the project’s co-PI. The conference entitled: Images and cleavages: a diachronic look at the visual representations of the liberation script in the Mozambican textbooks presented the first results of the ongoing research on the Mozambican and Portuguese history textbooks.

The International Seminar Memory, Diversity and Identities: Challenges for Intercultural Relations in the 21st Century was part of the program of the 5th International Congress on Cultures: What Culture (s) for the 21st Century? as a pre-Congress. After the conference, members of the research team also held a general meeting.

Opening International Seminar Memory, Diversity and Identities

The official opening of the International Seminar on Memory, Diversity and Identities: Challenges for Intercultural Relations in the 21st Century was held on the morning of Tuesday, November 5 at 9 am.

The full professor Joaquim Paulo Serra,  the scientific coordinator of Labcom.IFP, and the Chairman of the Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences and the assistant professor and Coordinator of the Organization of the 5th International Congress on Cultures, Urbano Sidoncha, both at Universidade da Beira Interior, welcomed the researchers and students present, along with Professor Moisés de Lemos Martins, Director of the Center for Communication and Society Studies at the University of Minho and project coordinator Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal? ”.

The activities follow with the conference Globalization, historical memory, cross-cultural identities given by Professor Moisés de Lemos Martins.

The full program can be checked on the website.