Traditional Mexican Cuisine and Tourism: New Meanings of Heritage Cuisine and its Sociocultural Implications

Humberto Thomé-Ortiz, Daniel de Jesús-Contreras


The purpose of this essay is to analyse the relationship between heritage cuisine and tourism, along with its sociocultural implications within the framework of contemporary food consumption. Through an analysis of the language used in tourism advertising platforms and tourism policies, contrasted with ethnographic data, this essay examines the interaction between the actors, products and territories in Mexico’s eight gastronomic regions which have become attractions for tourists due to the inclusion of traditional Mexican cuisine in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity List. We conclude that the tourist valuation of cuisine heritage promoted by Mexican institutions reflects a two-fold phenomenon, straddling the divide between economic valuation of agricultural food products and the cultural meaning of regional cuisines.


Traditional Mexican Cuisine; Heritage Cuisine; Tourism; Consumption

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